Whole Wheat Wrap


Low fat Paneer – 20 gms
Fresh lemon juice – squeeze as per taste
Olive oil – 1/2 tsp
Onions – 1 small
Tomato, finely chopped – 1 small
Black olives, finely chopped – 2 tbsp
Lettuce – 1 single leaf 
Whole wheat / multigrain roti – 1 
Hummus – 1tbsp.
Salt & pepper – use minimum, to taste


Step 1 Cut paneer into small pieces. 

Step 2 Combine the cut pieces of paneer, tomato, onion and black olives. Add salt, pepper as per taste and a drizzle of lemon juice. 

Step 3 Make one roti, spread hummus and the fresh lettuce leaf on it. 

Step 4 Add the mixed ready ingredients, roll and wrap it and serve hot.


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