Love Food, Lose Weight: Find Your Perfect Weight Loss Plan Starting
- Lose Weight With Your Favourite Food
- Diet Plans Available Globally
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What is Neev Weight Loss Program?
Ditch the crash diets and unrealistic promises! Neev Weight Loss program offers a healthy, safe, and sustainable approach to weight loss. Our program provides realistic goals and guidance to help you achieve lasting results. Join Neev Weight Loss Program and finally lose weight the right way!
- Providing diet consultations on global level
- Specialised in weightloss for medical conditions like diabetes, pcos etc.
Experience Speaks
Ideal For

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Co morbidities

Over weight or obese
Why Choose Us?
Providing A Strong Foundation For Your Health!!!!!

After achieving the desired results, we teach you to maintain it throughout your life.

No boring food! Bespoke packages to suit your body & as per your taste buds.

Long Lasting
No crash diets, or restriction on any food We believe in balanced diet, so weight does not rebound back.

Vegan Friendly / Vegetarian
We also provide vegan friendly diet with optimal nutrition along with the tasty recipes.
Meet Our Expert
We at Neev Nutrition believe in offering a strong foundation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Established in 2011 and with one centres, we are proud to have three flourishing centre in Mumbai boasting an excellent track record not only in the city but also across the country and an envious global presence through our unique online consulting programs. Carving a niche in the nutrition & diet segment, we are one-stop-shop for all your health related queries.
- Lose Weight With Your Favourite Food
- Diet Plans Available Globally
Frequently Asked Questions
In today’s world, most of us are busy. Let that not be a reason for not living a healthy lifestyle. Our program is very flexible and most of our clients are professionals who follow the program quite easily. In fact, by following our program, you will feel more energetic and your productivity will increase.
No. Not healthy. With our program, you can expect 3-4 kgs weight loss in a month. There are few people who lose more than that in a month, but those are exceptions.
No. Every person is different. And every body reacts in different ways. Hence, results will vary for every person. Few people might show the best results in the first month, whereas few show better results in the second or third month. But one thing is clear: everybody shows results, sooner or later. Persistence is the key.
We are totally against crash diet. Also, we realise that strict diets are not practical. If the diet is not simple to follow, it is not going to work. But at the same time, we do not want to make false promises and say that you will not have to make any changes to your diet and lifestyle. You will have to. You can’t expect a different output with the same input.
We have many national and international clients who consult us through email for online weight loss programs. Ushma, with her team of trained nutririonists, monitors every stage of the clients weight loss. Every client has a personal login and a nutritionist is in constant touch with them via mail. Also the client can take a prior appointment and talk on phone for any problems faced by them.
First register yourself by filling up the form. then click on the program that you want to join and make the payment using your credit card.
This program is divided into sessions – each session lasting for 7 days. A new diet is sent in every session, after following it, you have to fill in the diet diary & your weight and submit it to your assigned nutritionist.
Your progress is noted and accordingly new diet is sent to you.
All the required assistance is provided to you in the form of Eating out options, Weight loss tips, etc. which helps you to decide in eating smartly.
The last cycle shall be the maintenance cycle, where you get back to eating as per your regular food habits.
You have to fix up an appointment with your nutritionist through mail and she will revert back with a suitable time for both of will be between the Indian working hours from 10 – 5.
Yes, you definitely get a grace period depending on the package taken.
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