Punjabi Bhindi


  • Ladyfingers (bhindi)-1k
  • Grated Cabbage-½ k
  • Onion sliced-½
  • Chopped tomato-1k
  • Green chili slit – 1
  • Cumin seed – ¼ tsp
  • Red chilli powder – ½ tsp
  • Coriander powder –  ½ tsp
  • Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
  • Amchur powder –  ¼ tsp
  • Oil – ½ tsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. Cut bhindi into 5 cm-long pieces with horizontal Slit.
  2. Heat the oil, add cumin seeds, onions and green chilli slits and saute for 30 seconds.
  3. Add bhindi, cabbage and tomatoes then sprinkle on the chilli powder, coriander, turmeric, amchur powder and salt.
  4. Mix well, cover and cook with occasional stirring.
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