Pink Salt vs White Salt

There is barely any food that has no salt in it, but salt itself is not one and the same. For the longest time, white table salt was and still remains the preferred choice. Recent history has, however, seen the rise of pink Himalayan salt.What makes pink Himalayan salt different from regular salt? Is it actually healthier to eat?

Pink vs. White Salt: A Salty Showdown

pink salt vs white salt
Pink Salt
pink salt
White Salt
Pink Salt vs White Salt
Pink Salt vs White Salt

White Table Salt:

The Processed Classic Sodium that has gone through scrupulous purication to get rid of other minerals and impurities is known as white table salt. Many would say the processing is what makes it palatable in sight and prolonged in life, however, it simply physically removes benecial nutrients from the natural salt. Due to this, scientists and doctors wanted to address this deciency and prevented thyroid conditions by adding iodine into the island salt. Having said that, synthetic iodine is known to not be absorbed as well when compared to iodine that occurs naturally.

Pink Himalayan Salt:

A Raw Natural Treasure Often regarded as a more culturally signicant alternative to table salt is pink Himalayan salt, minerals intact and everything. It stems from sedimentary salt formations that can be seen on the lofty Himalayan mountains adding a beautiful pigment to it. This salt has undergone little rening, which helps to maintain its valuable minerals and trace elements. 

Why Pink Himalayan Salt Could Be a Better Option for You?

Pink Salt vs White Salt
Better Water Consumption
Pink salt vs white salt
Blood Sugar Regulation
Pink Salt vs White Salt
Good Cardiovascular Health

Packed with minerals: Pink Himalayan salt does not undergo the same processing as table salt, so it retains some vital minerals including potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron among others. These minerals aid in a wide range of functions from muscle contractions to the nervous system and even bones.
Better Water Consumption: Apart from the Wheatpastes crude sodium chloride, table salt requires a lot of water in order to maintain homeostasis. On the other hand, pink Himalayan salt comes with natural organic sodium chloride which is
easier on the kidneys and improves hydration levels.
Cardiovascular Benets: Dona vitamin B1, pink Himalayan salt is rich in potassium and magnesium that offer myriad of benets such as helping in the regulation of blood pressure while also reducing the chances of developing heart diseases in the future.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Another possible benet of pink Himalayan salt is that its minerals may improve insulin sensitivity which aids in better management of blood sugar levels and the risk of type II diabetes. The appeal of Pink Himalayan salt lays within it’s unprocessed nature as it is known to have no chemicals or additives, hence making it a more natural option for adding taste to food


The primary constituent in both pink Himalayan and white table salt is sodium, but due to the high abundance of minerals found in pink Himalayan salt, it does provide some health benets, however, it’s important to note that it is not entirely free from downsides. Overdoing anything is bad for one’s health, and salt is no exception, if consumed in excess it can lead to issues such as high blood pressure and water retention.
Considering the above mentioned information, using pink Himalayan salt can be benecial for health along with making food taste better, as long as it is used in moderation.

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