Paneer Vegetable Sushi


  • Low-fat paneer (cottage cheese)-1/4 k
  • Brown rice(soak raw rice overnight and cook the next day) – ½ of ¼k
  • Ginger-Green chilli paste -1 tsp
  • Low-fat milk -1tbsp
  • Freshly ground black pepper powder – ¼ tsp
  • Nori Seaweed sheet – 1
  • Spinach – 4 to 5 leaves
  • Boiled baby corn-cut into thin strips -2
  • Cucumber (peeled and cut into thin strips) – ½ k
  • French beans (Boiled and cut into thin strips) – ¼ k
  • Cabbage (grated) – ½ k
  • Green chilies (chopped )- 1 or 2
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a bowl mix paneer, cooked brown rice, ginger-green chilli paste, milk, pepper salt and keep aside.
  2. Blanch the spinach leaves in hot water for a while and refresh them with cold water.
  3. Place a butter paper on a dry, flat surface and arrange the nori seaweed sheet/leaves such that they overlap each other.
  4. Spread the rice and paneer mixture on the nori sheet evenly, leaving a gap of a ½ inch from all the sides.
  5. Place the vegetables at the tapering end of the nori sheet and sprinkle salt and green chilies over it.
  6. Start rolling the butter paper, gently pressing it to compress the arrangements.
  7. As you roll the butter paper, gradually unwrap it simultaneously to expose the sheet.
  8. Once the sushi has been rolled, use a sharp knife to slice the sushi into rings of a ½ inch width.
  9. Serve with soya sauce.
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