Assessment sheet

Your diet is planned on the basis of assessment sheet which is studied by us minutely. This sheet contains all the information regarding your lifestyle, likes and dislikes, food preferences, medical conditions and so on. So, once the payment is done we shall mail it to you and you need to revert back along with the timings and quantity.

Diet diary

The diet diary is for the daily record of your food intake. You have to fill it daily with what and how much food you eat and at what time. After filling it, you have to send it along with your weight on the day of the diet change. On the basis of your diary we come to know how well have u followed the diet and whether there were any difficulties in following it.


Once u send us the assessment sheet, we shall send u the diet based on your eating habits. The diet we give is a balance of protein and carbohydrates. It’s a proper 6 meal plan. The recipes are also sent along with the diet or you can register on the website for it. On the day of the diet change, you have to send us the diet diary and your weight. On the basis of that, new diet will be mailed to you. Any queries regarding the diet will be addressed on mail. Incase mail is not favorable, we can do it on whats app also. For this, a whats app number for your queries will be given to you.

Eating out options

Along with the diet, we will send you the healthy options that you can eat when going out.

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