Besan Oats Chilla


  • Chana flour – 1 tbsp
  • Oats flour – 1 tbsp (grind oats)
  • Mixed veggies – ½ k (finely chopped tomato, capsicum, cabbage, coriander & grated doodhi)
  • Ajwain  & Turmeric powder – a pinch
  • Green chilli & salt as per taste
  • Oil –  ½ tsp

Mix Chana & oats  flour, salt, mixed veggies, ajwain, green chilies and all the chopped vegetables and mix it well. Add enough water to make a thin-medium consistency batter. Heat the non stick pan. Pour a spoonful of batter and spread it. As cooked on one side toss the pancake the other side. Both the sides of the pancake should be golden brown.

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