

  • Penne Pasta-2 fist raw
  • ½ tspn Olive oil
  • Onion-1 med
  • Tomato pulp1k
  • Garlic
  • Chili pdr
  • Oregano
  • Salt
  • Wheat flr-1 tspn
  • Water 1 tblspn
  • Milk 2tspn
  • Mix veg (3 color bell pepper, babycorn, cabbage, frenchbeans) – 1.5k
  • Coriander for garnishing

Heat olive oil; add garlic, onion & sauté for 2 mins. Add tomato pulp, chilli powdr, salt & cook for 3mins. Add wheat flour, water, milk and let it biol for 1min. Keep it aside. Sauté vegs with oregano & chili flakes. Add pasta, tomato pulp, and salt mix well. Cook for 5mins. Garnish with coriander.

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